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Lab: Comparison of animal and Plant Cells

Prep Notebook:
Read the procedure for wet mount technique and  Cheek cells ( links below) and determine the objectives of this lab.
Hint: ( to compare.....  , to learn how to .......)
This is an observation , so no hypothesis is required
( Define what a cell is. talk about differences between animal and plant cells, shortly describe the wet mount technique -1 or 2 sentences-, briefly summarize  what will be done.)  Remember to write the paragraph in a flowing manner.
cheek cells
onion tissue
methylene blue dye
A. Onion cells
 Summarize wet mount technique using onion tissue
(link to wet mount below)
B. Cheek cells
Summarize procedure for cheek cell observations
( link to cheek cell procedure below)

Wet Mount Technique Using Onion Cells

Cheek Cell Prep Procedure