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Summer assignment

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Dear AP Biology student:

PLEASE Read Carefully:

Since you have decided to commit to the Biology AP class, you should know what to expect from the course, and what will be expected of you.

-Below, you will find the summer  assignment, and will take the test on Monday, August 14. (You will be able to (and should) call or text me  (Whatsapp chat).

-This year we will need to meet on AT LEAST one Saturday per semester for reviews, mock tests, or long laboratory exercises

-Independent work will be assigned to you for the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Spring breaks.  You will have a test a day or two after classes start or you might take a take-home test with you.

-Please understand that to pass the May AP Biology test, you should have a clear understanding of all topics in the book. Therefore, you must read the assigned chapters in their entirety unless otherwise stated.


If you decide to take this course, please understand that you will need to dedicate a lot of time to reading the book, studying for tests, and writing essays. This is a fast-paced course, so if you belong to sport teams, clubs or class directive, take time to think about the time you will need to catch up if you miss any classes. You will be required to study over weekends, so think about your social activities.

AP Biology Summer Assignment:

These are the first chapters you must have read for the first day of class. They are basic topics of biology and chemistry we will build on, so make sure you understand them. DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK QUESTIONS!!

I do not expect you to know everything. In fact a good student is one that can admit when they need help deciphering info (among other qualities)

Any non-biological vocabulary (for example: hierarchy) can be looked up in a dictionary  (or Googled)

Do not read one sentence if you did not understand the one before.

Always study the figures and graphs! They are there for a reason and will be included in tests (without warning). They are a great part of the May test

Chapter 1

-Make sure that you understand the themes in the study of life,. You might be asked to explain any of those statements.

-Know the properties of life (fig. 1.3) 
-Know the hierarchy of life (fig. 1.4)

-Distinguish domains from one another (fig. 1.15a-c) and the kingdoms within Domain Eukarya.  IN DETAIL

SKIM over concepts 1.3 and 1.4

Chapter 2

Do the self-quiz, at the end of the chapter: ( answers in the back)

You do not have to read if you are able to define and recognize the following:

-Atomic number
-Atomic mass (weight)
-Trace element
-Van der Waals interactions
-Electronegativity (IMPORTANT)
-Covalent bond
-Ionic bonds
-Polar covalent bond (IMPORTANT)
-Nonpolar covalent bond  (IMPORTANT) 
-Hydrogen bond

Chapter 3:

-Know properties of water (Well!)

o Cohesion

o Adhesion

o Specific heat

o Ice floats

o High heat of vaporization

o Good Solvent

-Define the following terms

o heat ( vs Temperature)

o mole

o acid

o base

o buffer

o hydrophobic

o hydrophilic

-Explain Dissociation of water molecules


Chapter 6:

Describe all parts of the cell, be able to label cell

Watch (twice if necessary) ( Why are cells small?) and (2.1.6 Explain the importance of the surface area to volume ratio as a factor limiting cell size).

You will be asked to write on essay based on these two videos.

Tentative Schedule

Day 1:  Intro, and Q and A on chapters 1, 2,3 and 6

Day 2:  Review for Test:chapters 1, 2,3 and 6 

For 3rd day of   AP class  ( Monday Aug 14:  TEST) 

By second week:
start reading chapters 4 and 5:


Even if you do not completely understand, it helps to always make a list of bold-faced terms.


The work assigned is due the first day of class. If you will be travelling, I expect the work either before you leave (call me) or emailed to me:


Materials for first day of class:

1. Textbook 

2. Notebook (any kind, as long as it is only for biology)

3. 1 ― to 2 inch binder ( your choice) (preferably with clear plastic page protector but not necessary with the following:
4.  Summer Work:
-From chapter 3:Typed (double spaced) list of words and their definition or brief explanation

o Cohesion

o Adhesion

o Specific heat

o Ice floats

o High heat of vaporization

-From Chapter 6:

o A list of all cell parts and their functions (include cell to cell junction)

-The answers to the following questions:

1. What role (function) of cell is associated with: (include examples of each)

-Many mitochondria

-No mitochondria

-Many Rough ER

-Many Golgi apparati (Golgi bodies)

-Many smooth ER

2. How are Chloroplasts similar to Mitochondria? What is their possible ancestry?

3. From page 745: What is the role of tracheids and vessel elements? What advantage does lack of organelles provide?

4. Explain whether you would use a light microscope, a transmission electron microscope (TEM), or a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to perform each of the following tasks: Explain why

a. Examining fine structural details within cell organelles

b. Observing how a cell changes shape as it moves

c. Studying tiny bumps on the cell surface

d. Filming changes in the shape of the nucleus as it prepares to divide

5. Name the domains of life and briefly describe their distinguishing characteristics

-Answered "Practice QUIZ"(it's practice so we will go over answers in class)

List of word origin (for reference during the year)


Assignment From chapters 4 and 5:

You will asked to add to your binder:

List of definitions from each chapter

Drawings of:

Functional groups

Organic compounds

Name___________________ Date______________________

AP Biology Practice Quiz Chapters 1,2 and 4

I. Multiple choice section. In the blank next to the question, write the letter that corresponds to the best answer.

_____1. Biologists group living things into ___ domains

a. 2

b. 3

c. 4

d. 5

e. 10

_____2. At the most fundamental level in in life’s hierarchy, all living things contain the same basic

a. cells

b. tissues

c. organs

d. molecules

e. systems

_____3. The information in _____ underlies all of the properties that distinguish life from nonlife

a. carbon

b. DNA

c. Proteins

d. Populations

e. Chemical nutrients

_____4. ____ has characteristics that result from the organization of its component ____.

a. A population.... ecosystems

b. A tissue.... organs

c. A cell....Tissues

d. An organism....organ systems

e. A molecule....cells

_____5. A base is a substance that

a. dissolves in water

b. forms covalent bonds with other compounds

c. donates hydrogen ions to solutions

d. is a versatile solvent

e. removes hydrogen ions from solutions

_____6. Most of water's unique properties result from the fact that water molecules

a. are very small

b. tend to repel each other

c. are extremely large

d. tend to stick together

e. are in constant motion

_____7. Molecules are always moving. Some molecules move faster than others; ____ is a measure of their average velocity of movement

a. polarity

b. heat

c. temperature

d. electronegativity

e. density

_____8. Adding acid tends to _________ of a solution.

a. increase the hydrogen ion concentration and raise the pH

b. increase the hydrogen ion concentration and lower the pH

c. decrease the hydrogen ion concentration and raise the pH

d. decrease the hydrogen ion concentration and lower the pH

e. c or d, depending on the original acidity

_____9. A glass of grapefruit juice, at pH 3, contains ____H+ as a glass of tomato juice, at pH 4.

a. one tenth as much (ten times less)

b. half as much


d. three times less

e. ten times as much

II. Matching. Choose the organelle (Column B) that is best described by the statement in column A. Write the letter on the blank space.

Column A Column B (Organelles)

____1. Synthesize proteins A. Nucleus

____2. Full of digestive enzymes, help digest food. B. Nucleolus

____3. Contains DNA, considered the information center. C. Rough ER

____4. In charge of packaging material for export. D. Smooth ER

____5. In charge of making ribosomes. E. Ribosomes

____6. Stores water and minerals in plant cells F. Mitochondria

____7. Photosynthesis in plant cells. G. Lysosome

____8. Transports proteins within the cell. H. Golgi Apparatus

_____9. Sacs of membranes involved in detoxifying poisons I. Vacuole

_____10. Cellular respiration takes place here J. Chloroplasts

_____11. Tiny organelles, may be attached to the rough ER.

____12. Transform chemical energy in glucose into a more usable form of energy.

_____13. Found in larger quantities in phagocytic white blood cells.

_____14. Needed to give energy to muscle cells.

_____15. Transform sunlight into chemical energy stored in glucose.

Etymology ( origin of words)

Learn the following words. You will be given a vocabulary word test in which you should be able to recognize the meaning of a word based on the origin of its parts.

Example: An means "without"  or "not" 

Aeros means air or oxygen

Thus, an anaerobic organism is one that can live without oxygen.

1. eu True, good 

2. albus Alb, albo: white

3. luteus, luteum: yellow

4. Chloro:   green

5. erythro, eryth: red

6. aureus:  gold

7. cyano :blue

8. photo,phyte: Plant

9. chromo:color

10. pro, protos: First, before

11. karyon, karyo:  Kernel, center , nucleus

12. type, typos:  Impression, image

13. amphi: Of both kinds, on both sides

14. anthropos:  Man

15. australis:Southern

16. Di, bi : Two

17. diplo, dupli: Double

18. glyc, Glycol, gulch:  Sugar, sweet

19. hypo:  Under, beneath

20. hyper:  Above, over

21. iso:  Same, equal

22. hippo :Horse

23. mono:  One

24. uni : One, single

25. Stome, stoma:  Mouth, opening

26. lyso, Lytic, lysis :Break, burst

27. cyto, cyte: cell

28. plasma, plasm: Molded or created thing

29. gastro, Gaster, gastric : Belly, stomach

30. halo, hali : Salt

31. phile, philic: Love, loving

32. Haema, hema, hemo: Blood

33. emia:  Blood

34. zoo:  animal

35. myco : fungus

36. rrhizo, rrhizae: root

37. epi:  Upon, above

38. trophos, trophic :nutrient

39. -osis:  Denotes action: example: osmosis, endocytosis

40. -in: Pertaining to

41. endo:  inside

42. phago: phage: Feed, eat

43. Exo- Out, outside

44. extra:   Outside or beyond

45. photo:  light

46. meta:  Between, middle, among

47. ana: Back, against, up

48. telo, tele : Final, end, complete

49. tome, tomy: cut

50. Inter- Between, among

51. Trans- Across, changing, beyond

52. gen, Geno, genesis: That which produces

53. Carcino- cancer

54. onco:  cancer

55. logy, Logos, logic: Knowledge, or study of

56. co:  together

57. con:  Against

58. homeo, homo:Similar, same

59. stasis,static: State of standing

60. In- in

61. ingest:  Take into body

62. egest :Take out of body

63. ped, Pedo, pedia: Child, children

64. -oid:Similar to

65. andros, andro: man

66. archaea, archae: ancient

Examples of words:

Hypercholesterolemia (hyper + cholesterol+ emia)

Endocytosis (endo + cyto + osis)

Anatomy ( tomy (cut) + ana (up)

Do NOT just memorize this list. A good way to study is look up words in a dictionary with these prefixes or suffixes.

Warning!! Material covered in one test will be repeated in the next test. SPECIALLY the ones where you do not do so well.

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